June 4, 2015 09:00
African capital markets attract about 1% of global private equity flows. How can the region’s capital markets deepen and broaden?
Dimensions to be addressed:
- Integrating and harmonizing cross-border market regulation
- Increasing long-term corporate and government bonds
- Advancing initial public offering activity
This session was developed in partnership with The Wall Street Journal.
Simultaneous interpretation in French and English
As this session is televised, please arrive 15 minutes before the start. The door will be closed at the scheduled time. This session is on the record and webcast live.
Hendrik du Toit
Joint Chief Executive Officer, Investec Bank Ltd
Raymond McGuire
President, Lazard, Lazard
Maria Ramos
Independent Non-Executive Director, Standard Chartered Bank
John Rwangombwa
Governor, National Bank of Rwanda (NBR)
Matina Stevis-Gridneff
Brussels Bureau Chief, The New York Times