Partnership for Health System Sustainability and Resilience

A non-profit, global collaboration between academic, non-governmental, life sciences, healthcare and business organisations with a unified goal to improve global health by building more sustainable and resilient health systems for the future.

Health systems are in crisis and globally they are struggling with comparable challenges.

Issues related to workforce shortages and staff burn out, increased service demand due to ageing and growing populations and increases in non-communicable diseases (NCDs), alongside economic pressures and climate disasters, have overstretched systems leaving them vulnerable and ill-equipped to respond to future needs. 

Given these complex challenges, cross-border and cross-sectoral collaboration is needed to accelerate change.

Robust research

The PHSSR-commissioned, independent research is grounded in robust methodology, using a framework developed by the London School of Economics, and conducted by teams of global experts working with national academics and policymakers to understand domestic challenges and develop tailored recommendations that can be actioned.

Evidence-driven recommendations for change

The PHSSR has built a large body of work in the field of health system sustainability and resilience. We have published reports on country, cross-country, global, and disease-specific research findings, each offering robust, evidence-based recommendations for policy change.

Taking action

The PHSSR seeks to positively transform health systems by partnering with stakeholders at the global, national and regional levels to facilitate policy change.

Be part of the change

By joining the PHSSR community or sharing our work, you can be part of the change to build stronger health systems that will withstand future challenges.

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