January 23, 2015 16:30
In the wake of recent events, how should societies respond to the rise of extremism, populism and nationalism?
Join experts, policy-makers and faith leaders for a frank discussion of the options and dilemmas for maintaining open societies in the face of fear and uncertainty.
This session is on the record and webcast live.
Simultaneous interpretation in English and Arabic
H.E. Abdallah bin Bayyah
President, Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace
Jeanne Bourgault
President and Chief Executive Officer, Internews
Patrick Chappatte
Editorial Cartoonist and President, Freedom Cartoonists Foundation
Nik Gowing
Founder and Director, Thinking Unthinkable Ltd
Kjell Grandhagen
Oliver McTernan
Co-Founder and Director, Forward Thinking
Matthieu Ricard
Founder and President, Karuna-Shechen
David Rosen
Special Interfaith Adviser, Abrahamic Family House
Kenneth Roth
Human Rights Expert and Author
Bernadette Ségol
Digital Member
Chris Seiple
President Emeritus, Institute for Global Engagement
H.H. Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Hanson
President, Zaytuna College