Dr. Clare Wenham

Assistant Professor of Global Health Policy
London School of Economics and Political Science

Clare’s research examines global health security and global health governance from a political and policy perspective. Her recent research has analysed COVID-19, Zika, Ebola, and more broadly, on the governance structures of the global health landscape and global disease control. Within this, she has a particular interest on the downstream effects of global health security policy on women. Clare currently leads two major projects analysing how women are most at risk of COVID-19 and/or the socio-economic effects produced by government response efforts. The research seeks to understand how policies designed to mitigate against the pathogen cause disproportionate effects on women, such as through increased domestic load, formal and informal care-giving, interruption to sexual and reproductive health services, domestic violence and women’s economic empowerment.

Clare is Director of the MSc in Global Health Policy and sits on the steering committee of the LSE Global Health Initiative. She has a PhD in International Relations at and has advised and/or consulted for UN Women, European Parliament, UNFPA, Asian Development Bank, and UK Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology.