List of Technology Pioneers 2009


Biotechnology and Health

AC Immune S.A.
Prof. Andrea Pfeifer, Chief Executive Officer
AC Immune S.A. is a Swiss biopharmaceutical company developing innovative therapeutics for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD) along three axes of AD therapies: vaccines, antibodies and small molecules.

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
John Maraganore, Chief Executive Officer
Alnylam Pharmaceuticals is a biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapeutics based on a breakthrough in biology known as RNA interference, or RNAi, a discovery that enables the creation of a broad new class of human therapeutics.

BioMedica Diagnostics
Dr Abdullah Kirumira, Chief Executive Officer
The primary mission of BioMedica is the dissemination of affordable Medical Diagnostics in the developing world.

Intercell AG
Gerd Zettlmeissl, Chief Executive Officer
Intercell is a biotechnology company developing novel vaccines against infectious diseases.

Mobile Healthcare Inc
James Hiroshi Nakagawa, Chief Executive Officer
Mobile Healthcare Inc. (MHC) is a private, Tokyo-based integrated solutions provider of unique real-time mobile solutions for preventing and managing lifestyle-related chronic diseases.

MorphoSys AG
Dr. Simon E. Moroney, Chief Executive Officer
MorphoSys AG, located in Martinsried/Munich, is one of the world's leading biotechnology companies focusing on fully human antibodies.

Phase Forward, Inc.
Robert Weiler, Chairman, President and CEO
Phase Forward's software helps biopharmaceutical and medical device companies bring better, safer therapies to market more efficiently and cost effectively.

Proteus Biomedical
Andrew Thompson, Chief Executive Officer
Proteus is a leader in Intelligent Medicine: personalizing proven therapies by embedding computers and sensors into drugs and devices and linking them to mobile computers.


Thomas J. Casey - Chief Executive Officer
CURRENT is the leader in enabling electric utilities worldwide to implement a Smart Grid benefiting utilities, consumers and the environment.

BrightSource Energy, Inc.
Arnold Goldman, Chairman and Founder
BrightSource Energy, Inc. designs and builds large scale solar plants that deliver low-cost solar energy in the form of steam and/or electricity, at prices competitive with fossil fuels, to industrial and utility customers worldwide.

Cows to Kilowatts Partnership Limited
Dr. Joseph Adelegan, Executive Director and Head of Partnership
The partnership is abating pollution, mitigating greenhouse gas emission and creates cheap source of domestic energy through the installation of sustainable bioreactor.

GreenPeak Technologies
Mr. Cees Links,, Chief Executive Officer
GreenPeak is a semiconductor, module and software company offering wireless and green ultra low power network communication technology for sense and control applications.

Lemnis Lighting
Frans Alexander Otten, Chairman
Lemnis was established to provide the world with the most energy efficient lighting products.

John Petro - Founder and CTO
NovaTorque has invented highly efficient electric motors that achieve half to a quarter of the losses of conventional motors and 50-100% higher power densities.

Fernando Nilo, Founder and Chief Executive Officer
RECYCLA offers a sustainable final destination for electronic equipment that frequently contains hazardous materials.

RecycleBank, LLC
Ron Gonen – Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder
RecycleBank is a rewards program that motivates people to recycle.

SemiLEDs Corporation
Mr. Trung Tri Doan, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
SemiLEDs Corporation is one of the world’s leading providers of high-performance light-emitting diodes (HPLED) suitable for general lighting applications.

Virent Energy Systems, Inc
Dr. Randy Cortright, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer
Virent's BioForming(TM) process cost-effectively and renewably generates conventional hydrocarbon fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel from plant sugars.

ZPower, Inc.
Ross E. Dueber, President and Chief Executive Officer
ZPower is dedicated to innovating change in the field of battery technology.

Information Technologies and New Media

Advanced Track & Trace
Jean-Pierre Massicot, Chief Executive Officer
Advanced Track & Trace is a pioneer in digital security solutions applied to Brand Protection.

Brightcove Inc.
Jeremy Allaire, Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Brightcove is an online video platform that empowers video producers and programmers to build broadband businesses while giving viewers more choices and control over their use of video and television.

Etsy Inc.
Robert Kalin, Founder
Etsy's mission is to enable people to make their living making things.

Klaas Kersting, Chief Executive Officer
Gameforge is the largest independent supplier of browser- and client-based MMOGs (massively multiplayer online games) worldwide.

JiGrahak Mobility Solution Pvt. Ltd.
Sourabh Jain, Chief Executive Officer
JiGrahak provides "ngpay", India's first end-to-end, mass market mobile commerce service.
Aaron Patzer, Chief Executive Officer applies breakthrough technology to make it easier to make smarter financial decisions.

Mojix, Inc.
Dr.Ramin Sadr, Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Mojix, Inc. was founded in 2004 by a team of former JPL/NASA scientists and engineers with the vision of applying breakthroughs in deep space communications to exponentially refine the precision, reach and scope of RFID technology.

Bright B. Simons, Chief Strategist
mPedigree manages the 1393 service, which has been deployed in Ghana since January of this year, and is the first system anywhere in the world by means of which consumers and patients can instantly verify the source of a purchased pharmaceutical at no cost, at the point of purchase, using standard mobile phones.

Sachin Duggal, Chief Executive Officer
Nivio is the first online Windows desktop.

Qifang Inc
Calvin Chin, Chief Executive Officer
Qifang is a company built on the simple premise that everyone should be able to get an education, no matter their financial means.

Slide, Inc.
Max Levchin, Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Slide's current sources of revenue include product sponsorships, product-placement within applications, display advertising, and direct-to-consumer products.

SpinVox Ltd
Ms Christina Domecq, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
SpinVox is the creator and global leader in an entirely new category of communications which it has called Voice-to-Screen.

Tideway Systems
Richard M. Muirhead, Chief Executive Officer
Tideway provides data center search software that continuously consumes and transforms IT data into intelligence, including identifying application software components and inter-relationships and mapping them to physical and virtual infrastructure.

Ubiquisys Ltd
Chris Gilbert, Chief Executive Officer
Ubiquisys launched the femto industry in 2004 to improve and reduce the cost of mobile coverage, capacity and services in homes and offices.

TraceTracker Innovation ASA
Ole-Henning Fredriksen, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
TraceTracker is the global information exchange for the food industry.

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