Nature and Biodiversity

This age-old agricultural system could help raise sustainable livestock

Close up image of cows with a sunset in the background.

'Integrating trees, grasses and other vegetation with grazing domesticated animals could be a solution to many of the issues associated with raising livestock.' Image: UNSPLASH/ Stijn te Strake

Vivian Arguelles Gonzalez
PhD Candidate - Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University
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Nature and Biodiversity

  • Livestock are accountable for at least two-thirds of agricultural emissions in North America, Asia, Europe and Oceania.
  • While farming animals supports the lives of millions across the globe, it also contributes to deforestation, animal rights concerns and climate change.
  • A vet believes an age-old agricultural system could provide the solution.
  • Silvopastoral systems involve naturally occurring or cultivated trees, shrubs and grasses that are managed with rotational grazing.
  • Scientists have been studying them in use around the world for decades.
  • The accumulated research shows encouraging results and many benefits, including increased biodiversity, better animal welfare, and higher yields and profits.

Some of the proposed solutions include switching to more plant-based foods in our diets, which is good, but not perfect, as livestock supports the livelihoods of millions of people. Replacing cattle, goats and sheep with chickens and pigs, is also often suggested, but it is a shortsighted approach that trades one catastrophe for another.

But an alternative agricultural system could solve this issue. Not only does it address the environmental impacts of livestock, but it also provides farmers with social and economic benefits that include creating new jobs, developing new skills, reducing costs and improving their incomes.

As a veterinarian and PhD candidate at McGill University who has been investigating sustainability transitions in the Mexican livestock sector, I know that this encouraging alternative lies in silvopastoralism.

Making livestock part of the solution

Silvopastoral systems use agroforestry, an agricultural technique that mimics natural forest ecosystems, and adds livestock to the mix. It involves naturally occurring or cultivated trees, shrubs and grasses that are managed with rotational grazing.

In practice, pastures are divided into smaller paddocks and livestock are moved from one paddock to the next every few days. This way, the grazed paddocks get a rest period that allows vegetation to regrow and distributes manure more evenly to better nourish the soil. Moreover, the animals are not dependent on grasses, and complement their diets with shrubs, tree leaves and fallen fruits.

The simplest and cheapest forms of silvopastoral systems use existing natural forests. Farmers introduce animals to graze in these vast swaths of land where they benefit from shade and abundant forage.

The more management-intensive forms of silvopastoral systems combine high-density cultivation of trees for commercial use, such as fruit or timber, with high-protein shrubs and tropical grasses of higher quality and improved performance. These systems provide higher yields, but also require greater technical knowledge and initial investments to implement.

In between these two, there exists a great diversity of silvopastoral practices that can adapt to a variety of geographies, ecosystems and budgets.

A cow and calf in a forest glade.
Silvopastoral systems boost biodiversity by providing animals and birds with well-canopied habitats. Image: The Conversation/Vivian Arguelles

Environmental benefits of this age-old system

First, planting new trees (and maintaining existing ones) helps tackle climate change by storing carbon. It also boosts biodiversity by providing habitats for multiple species. Increased biodiversity means there are more birds and insects helping control populations of ticks and other pests, which benefits the livestock.

Second, it contributes to strengthening animal welfare as trees provide much needed shade and a cooler climate under their canopy, helping reduce heat stress. Animals are also able to explore, graze and browse, as their biology motivates them to do.

Not only does rotational grazing allow the land to recover, it also helps boost productivity and animal health by interrupting the life cycles of the parasites that affect livestock.

Higher yields and profits

Studies show that silvopasture practices can improve the productivity of land that is usually managed separately for agriculture or forests by up to 55 per cent.

Silvopastoral systems have also been reported to increase cattle’s weight and milk production when compared to conventional one-crop grazing systems.

The increased availability and higher nutritional value of the forages in these systems — made possible without the need for expensive chemical fertilizers and pesticides — lead to additional savings.

Furthermore, the diversification offered by silvopastoral systems helps improve cash flows and reduce farmers’ vulnerability in unfavourable market conditions and weather-related events. This can be directly from the sale of timber, fruits, forage, animals or animal products, and indirectly thanks to the beneficial effects of trees, such as increasing water infiltration into the soil to reduce flood risks and providing food for the animals during drought seasons.

Grass-based diet

Reducing the use of high-energy feeds, chemical fertilizers and pesticides is key to guaranteeing a sustainable system, and it just makes financial sense. Feeding animals grasses, shrubs and crop residues that are inedible to humans is a cheaper and more efficient use of resources.

Let’s not forget that cattle’s digestive system is adapted to consume grass-based diets and they are able — with the help of micro-organisms in their gut — to convert the hard-to-digest cellulose from grasses into high-quality protein. There’s no need for them to compete for crops that might otherwise be eaten by people, and challenge global food security.

In fact, high rations of grains in cattle’s diets can cause them serious digestive disorders and account for up to 33 per cent of cattle deaths in feedlots. With 0.4 billion hectares of croplands around the world producing feed for livestock in a way that competes with crop production for human food, an alternative approach to livestock feeding should certainly be a priority.

Scaling-up: Challenges and opportunities

If silvopastoral systems offer a triple-win solution to economic, social and environmental challenges of animal agriculture, why are they not more widely spread?

Agroforestry is probably as old as agriculture itself, but capitalist markets and policies in the never-ending pursuit of higher profits have restructured agriculture towards specialization and industrialization, at the expense of so-called invisible social and environmental costs.

Cows in an open grassy area.
Producers in Mexico and other Latin American countries seeing the benefits of silvopastoral practices. Image: The Conversation/Luis Moire Aguilar

Science has shown the many benefits of silvopastoral systems. Now, we need more research into the challenges that are limiting their adoption in different local contexts around the world. We need research into policy and market innovations that can encourage the transition. And we also need societal willingness towards a healthy reduction of meat consumption, particularly in wealthier nations.

There is no time like the present to take an active role in the transformation of our food systems and start demanding and supporting sustainable alternatives.

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