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How to follow the Sustainable Development Impact Meetings 2023

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To revive momentum on the SDGs, the World Economic Forum will host its Sustainable Development Impact Meetings during the United Nations General Assembly from 18-22 September 2023.

To revive momentum on the SDGs, the World Economic Forum will host its Sustainable Development Impact Meetings during the United Nations General Assembly from 18-22 September 2023.

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  • Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been slower than required.
  • To revive momentum on the SDGs, the World Economic Forum will host its Sustainable Development Impact Meetings during the United Nations General Assembly from 18-22 September 2023.
  • Global leaders will join in person for a series of carefully curated impact-driven leaders’ dialogues.
  • Here’s how to follow #SDIM23 on our digital channels.

The year 2023 marks the halfway point of the 2030 Agenda. As the world struggles to rebuild in the aftermath of the global pandemic and in the face of a challenging economy, geopolitical fault-lines and the deepening impact of climate change, progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been slower than required to achieve the timeline laid out in 2015.

Drawing on the Forum’s dedicated communities of purpose, business leaders, policymakers, international and civil society organizations, innovators and social entrepreneurs will convene in person for a series of carefully curated impact-driven leaders’ dialogues.

The Sustainable Development Impact Meetings will advance the communities’ work in making concrete progress on the SDGs and inform the dialogue on other key milestones such as the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) at the end of the year and the Forum’s Annual Meeting 2024 in January.

Here is our guide on how to follow #SDIM23 on our digital channels.

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Forum Agenda

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You can also follow us on Google News, Apple News, or Flipboard to stay updated.


A selection of the best pictures taken at #SDIM23 will be made available free of charge under the creative commons licence (cc-by-sa) on Flickr at

How to embed the World Economic Forum webcast session videos on your website

You can embed a session from the video player once the event begins. Click on the last icon for instructions beneath the video on the session page.


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In addition to the public programme, the member-only virtual programme will give Premium and Pro Digital Members exclusive access to a selection of sessions from the Sustainable Development Investment Meetings. Digital Members will also receive daily highlights live from the meeting as well as a newsletter highlighting the best content and sessions each day. Start your Digital Membership here.