Global Cooperation

The podcasts to listen to during Davos #wef24

Looking for a podcast during Davos #wef24?

Looking for a podcast during Davos #wef24? Image: Getty Images/Westend61

Robin Pomeroy
Podcast Editor, World Economic Forum
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This article is part of: World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
  • The World Economic Forum has an array of podcasts on the world's biggest issues and most influential thinkers.
  • Here's a collection of episodes to listen to around Davos #wef24.
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The World Economic Forum will be publishing podcasts throughout the Annual Meeting 2024, and has a back catalogue of great episodes that speak to the main themes of this year's Davos.

Below is a selection of episodes that touch on this year's main theme, "Rebuilding Trust", and on the six key imperatives that the Forum is focusing on, from our three main podcast brands:

  • Radio Davos: The weekly show looking at the world's biggest challenges and how we can tackle them. Subscribe on any app via this link.
  • Meet the Leader: Big decision makers share the lessons they have learned on the way up, and the habits they would not be without. Subscribe.
  • Agenda Dialogues: Full audio from key Forum sessions.

Global stakeholders must gather to rebuild trust and foster global solidarity

As leading figures from government, business, academia and civil society head to Davos, what are the big global challenges they will be discussing?

The World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report sets out the biggest issues over the short and medium terms, based on a survey of more than 1,400 global risks experts, policy-makers and industry leaders.


Transparency and accountability are key to rebuilding trust. Delia Ferreira Rubio, anti-corruption expert and former chair of Transparency International tells us what’s needed to build cultures of integrity - and the risks to tackling big goals if the right steps aren’t taken.


Revitalizing cooperation is necessary for advancing resilience, growth and security

An intensifying climate crisis, fragile global economy, and the emergence of critical questions around frontier technologies are converging against the backdrop of a deteriorating security landscape to create an uncertain geopolitical outlook. How will these issues shape geopolitics in the year ahead and what are the prospects for cooperative approaches to address them? The Strategic Intelligence Geopolitical Outlook for 2024 looks at the future of geopolitical cooperation.


World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab and Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank Group and Member of the Forum’s Board of Trustees, share their aspirations before the Forum’s Annual Meeting 2024.


Lessons on cooperation - as seen from space: Matthias Maurer shares what’s needed for collaboration to balance a growing space economy and the need for stronger space governance, and what his astronaut’s training can teach us about tackling climate change.


Reviving growth is necessary, but future growth models must be different

The World Economic Forum's 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions kicked-off with top economic and political leaders discussing the major question of the day: How to manage economic headwinds and avoid fragmentation within the global economy.

The topic was discussed during a session titled Braving the Headwinds: Rewiring Growth Amid Fragility, which highlighted the importance of global collaboration amidst crises and geoeconomic instability.


Technology has the potential to transform global trade in a myriad of ways. As their efficiency benefits are become increasingly well-understood and documented, how can these same technologies be deployed to enhance equity and sustainability?

This episode is the full audio from a session at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils 2023.

Sourcing and scaling viable innovations to decarbonize ‘hard-to-abate’ sectors such as mining and aviation will be critical to the success of the Sustainable Development Goals. How can we leverage cutting-edge technologies and adopt novel strategies to accelerate the race to net-zero in these sectors?

This is the full audio from a panel discussion at the Sustainable Development Impact Meetings 2023.


Urgent action is needed to combat the climate crisis and ensure energy security

When Professor Tom Crowther published research into the massive potential of trees to absorb more carbon than previously thought, he helped spur the Trillion Trees movement to plant, restore and conserve forests. But it also caused massive debate.

As he publishes updated research, Crowther tells Radio Davos that growing trees must increase biodiversity, and not lead to monoculture plantations, and that it must never be an excuse to slow the drive to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.


It often looks like we are doing too little too late to wean ourselves off fossil fuels, but companies around the world are creating new ways of generating and delivering energy.

We hear from four CEOs about their work on aviation fuel, electric vehicles, green hydrogen and new nuclear. And World Economic Forum John Defterios, who covered energy for three decades as a journalist at CNN, shares his thoughts.


Meet the Leader talks Gail Whiteman, founder of campaign group Arctic Basecamp, and fellow activist, actor Rainn Wilson, about how they strategically "speak science to power," to grab the attention of changemakers from grassroots activists to heads of state. They also discuss how they target and connect with a "moveable middle", a segment of the population open to change and willing to consider new ideas and approaches.


Helen Mountford is the president and CEO of Climate Works Foundation, a philanthropy platform that has granted more than a billion dollars to worthy projects and grantees in more than 50 countries. She’s a key partner in a World Economic Forum initiative that launched this year called GAEA - Giving to Amplify Earth Action - and explains why philanthropy can be an important way to fund and experiment for new ideas and to create an ecosystem to make big change possible.


Climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe believes that only if we all talk about climate change will humanity take the right paths to tackle it. But what if the person you are talking to doesn’t believe in climate change? Or what if they do, but they are so depressed or anxious they feel helpless?

Katharine has practical advice.


Technological advancements are key to confronting global challenges – this requires innovation and guardrails

Radio Davos published multiple episodes on the rise of generative AI over the last year. In this one, we look to what will be on the agenda at Davos in 2024.


Designer phages, spatial optics, plant sensors and bendable batteries - just some of the items on the latest World Economic Forum Top 10 Emerging Technologies that will change our lives in the next 3-5 years.

To talk us through all 10, we hear from the two people who led the work compiling the list: Mariette DiChristina, Dean and Professor of the Practice in Journalism, Boston University College of Communication; and Bernie Meyerson, Chief Innovation Officer Emeritus, IBM.

Watch the video version of this podcast here.


Swami Sivasubramanian’s first experience using a computer was in high school in India, where there was just one computer for the entire school. While each student could use the computer for just a few minutes a day, those few minutes sparked his lifelong passion for technology, one that led to his current role as VP of Data and AI at Amazon Web Services. It also drove home to him that any exposure to new technologies can be transformative.


Investments in industry cannot succeed without equivalent investment in people

The World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs report finds that 44% of worker skills will be disrupted in the next five years. In this episode, experts from Google, LinkedIn, Manpower group and more talk about the mindsets and approaches that will help workers and employees navigate the skills disruption ahead - and what some companies are already putting into place to help workers stay relevant.


Wondering what job you’ll be doing in five years’ time? Chances are it may be quite different from what you do now, and you’ll need different skills. The transition to clean energy and the rise of artificial intelligence are likely to have a big impact on the world of work so employers, too, need to adopt a ‘skills-first’ mindset.

We hear from Tan Kok Yam, Chief Executive of SkillsFuture Singapore, who is putting theory into action, and to Tarika Barrett, CEO of Girls Who Code, a non-profit that equips young women with the computing skills to pursue 21st century opportunities.


The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report is a snapshot of the world of work now, and a look into where we are going.

Forum Managing Director Saadia Zahidi sets out the highlights of the report, and Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO of online learning company Coursera talks about the skills we will all need in this rapidly changing world.


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