Three reasons we should resurrect extinct species
Researchers have reconstructed the genome of a bird that went extinct 700 years ago. But is it ethical to revive extinct species?
Researchers have reconstructed the genome of a bird that went extinct 700 years ago. But is it ethical to revive extinct species?
Genetic testing could soon be so advanced that newborn babies will have report cards of potential and hereditary diseases they're at risk of contracting.
Here are some of the ways we suspect the technology of today will shape the world in the century to come.
Hawking explica que los días de la humanidad en la Tierra están contados debido al cambio climático, los impactos de asteroides, las epidemias y la sobrepoblación.
Stephen Hawking adjusted his doomsday timer for Earth, slashing 900 years from his initial 1,000-year estimate.
Computer scientists at Nanyang Technological University are working on an algorithm that can reduce traffic jams through intelligent routing.