This Chinese news app will pay you to use it
Digital gold coins are earned by playing games that involve reading stories or by convincing others to join up.
Digital gold coins are earned by playing games that involve reading stories or by convincing others to join up.
The international technology company is working closely with the Chinese government.
Chinese tech firms Baidu Inc, NetEase and Tencent Holdings are racing to create the cartoons that will kick start China's animation market.
中国国产C919大型客机于5月5日首飞成功。这标志着中国跻身世界民用航空市场,同时也标志着中国国内高科技制造业的显著发展。 阴沉的天空下,带有蓝色和绿色涂装的C919在80多分钟的飞行后着陆于上海国际机场。迎接成千上万的贵宾、航空工作者和爱好者的欢呼。 这架喷气式飞机是中国在未来二十年在全球喷气机市场估计价值2万亿美元的目标的象征。而更大规模的“中国制造2025”计划...
China's home-grown C919 passenger jet has completed it's maiden flight.