Send vaccines where people want them: developing nations
A study shows COVID-19 vaccine acceptance is significantly higher in low- and middle-income countries, which would benefit from greater vaccine distribution.
Professor of Economics at Yale University. Co-chairs the Urban Services Initiative at the Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) at MIT, and leads the Bangladesh Research Program for the International Growth Centre in London. A development economist with interests in environmental issues. Conducts field experiments in Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Chile, Malawi, Brazil exploring ways to induce people to adopt welfare-improving technologies or behaviors. His research has been published in top journals across disciplines, and covered by leading media outlets around the world.
A study shows COVID-19 vaccine acceptance is significantly higher in low- and middle-income countries, which would benefit from greater vaccine distribution.
无论好还是坏,美国的移民政策都在一定程度上塑造了这个国家。 它创造了一个多元化和创新性的国家,推动了人类文明的前进。 当然,它也给我们带来了特朗普总统和他富有争议的移民政策。 但是,考虑到美国移民对美国历史,创新能力及其未来发展的重要性,我们不应该继续争吵,逃避倾听,而应该好好考虑务实的政策选择了,妥协,势在必行。 有实证研究作为支撑的系统性评估表明,移民为美国经济提供...
As the immigration debate rages on in the US, the time has come for opposing sides to reach a compromise.