After COVID-19, we must rethink how we find and produce new drugs
How we manufacture and distribute any COVID-19 vaccine are issues we need to address today, if we want to be prepared for the pandemics of the future.
Chairman & Scientific Director, Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI), the European ARPA.
Graduate: HEC; Harvard Kennedy School. Michigan Business School; Fundação Getulio Vargas; attended Sup'Aéro Aerospace Engineering School. Formerly with: Roland Berger; Aerospatiale Airbus, Burelle Participations, former board member Bang & Olufsen. Co-Founder: Jaccar Capital Fund; CEL Partners; ACAPITAL. Former Special Advisor to the French Minister of Defence. Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum. Innovation Advisory Board, Munich Security Conference. Colonel, French Air Force Reserve; private pilot.