Can AI fix the gender gap in STEM? Here's what the data says
A new paper shows AI and the tech transition will affect men and women's jobs very differently - while also creating fresh opportunities. Here's what the data says
A new paper shows AI and the tech transition will affect men and women's jobs very differently - while also creating fresh opportunities. Here's what the data says
Mientras persiste la brecha de género, las niñas se enfrentan a disparidades en la educación, la salud y las oportunidades económicas. En este Mes de la Historia de la Mujer, un nuevo inf...
The world is 134 years away from full gender parity. Despite progress, girls and young women still face disparities in education, health, and opportunities. Learn what needs to change.
Masomah Ali Zada was threatened for cycling in Afghanistan. Despite this, she made it onto the Refugee Olympic Team in 2020. Here’s her extraordinary story.
Los gobiernos utilizan la política comercial para alcanzar objetivos no comerciales y promover sus valores. Pero eso dificulta el acceso al mercado de las economías menos desarrolladas.
AI is transforming healthcare. Here. Mayo Clinic’s president explains how AI can improve early disease detection, healthcare equity and patient outcomes.
Governments are using trade policy to achieve non-trade objectives and advance their values, making market access for lesser-developed players a challenge.
La captura directa en el océano extrae CO2 del agua de mar, ofreciendo otra vía en la búsqueda mundial de la eliminación del dióxido de carbono y la mitigación del cambio climático.
Direct Ocean Capture removes CO2 from seawater, offering another pathway on the world’s quest for carbon dioxide removal and climate mitigation.
La IA generativa está transformando sectores que van desde la educación a la fabricación, pero solo con una gobernanza responsable de la IA los resultados pueden ser justos y eficaces.
One of many social entrepreneurs using AI to create an impact, Gerald Abila explains how he harnesses tech to provide pro-bono legal services across Africa.
Generative AI is transforming industries from education to manufacturing, but only with responsible AI governance can outcomes be fair and effective.