Saving sinking cities like New York, Jakarta and Venice must involve re-evaluating infrastructure and water use, and building resilience into urban design.
A new multistakeholder taskforce aims to provide guidelines for cities aiming to decarbonize the built environment, based on a whole life cycle approach
Con la mayoría de las ciudades del mundo explorando actualmente las posibles aplicaciones de GenAI, ahora es una oportunidad para adoptar las políticas de gobierno adecuadas.
With most cities worldwide currently exploring the possible applications of GenAI, now is an opportunity to adopt the right governing policies.
The G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance has released a policy model with practical steps for cities worldwide to spark innovation through public procurement
Device labelling programmes for consumers and manufacturers could increase the transparency of cybersecurity and encourage smart devices to be secure by design.
Mental health is an ongoing global crisis exacerbated by the pandemic. Here's how Digital art and apps can support mental well-being in urban environments.
A news insight report provides a snapshot of technology governance initiatives and shows that some progress has been made on cybersecurity as well as on environmental, social and governan...
Businesses face the challenge of getting people back into offices post-pandemic. A new toolkit aims to help landlords understand the needs of their tenants.
The new DTPR feedback tools can provide a way for urban municipalities to build public trust in the technology they are installing in their public spaces.
Billions of connected devices are in use worldwide today, with smart home devices growing rapidly. Now a global consensus for baseline security is emerging
What are the business drivers motivating technology decisions in real estate? More clarity on these would remove barriers to successful technology adoption for smart buildings
Better governance of the IoT sector is needed if consumers are going to get the security and privacy they want from their internet-connected devices.