As co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates shapes and approves foundation strategies, advocates for the foundation’s issues, and sets the organization’s overall direction. He works with grantees and partners to further the foundation’s goal of improving equity in the United States and around the world.
Bill co-founded Microsoft Corporation in 1975 with Paul Allen and led the company to become the worldwide leader in business and personal software and services. In 2008, Bill transitioned to focus full-time on the foundation’s work. Through his private office, Gates Ventures, he pursues his work in climate change and clean energy innovation, Alzheimer’s research and other healthcare issues, interdisciplinary education, and technology. He is also the founder of Breakthrough Energy, which works to address climate change by supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs, big thinkers, and clean technologies.
In 2010, Bill, Melinda French Gates, and Warren Buffett founded the Giving Pledge, an effort to encourage the world’s wealthiest families and individuals to publicly commit more than half of their wealth to philanthropic causes and charitable organizations during their lifetime or in their will.
Bill grew up in Seattle with two sisters. His late father, William H. Gates Sr., was an attorney and civic leader who served as a co-chair of the foundation from 2000 to 2020 His late mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher, University of Washington regent, and chair of United Way International. Bill has three children.
A fragrance company is developing new repellents for mosquitoes that use scents instead of chemicals. It could help prevent the spread of mosquito-borne diseases.
Bill Gates' advice for graduating students: follow your passion, be persistent, and give back. The future belongs to you, so go out and make a difference.
The tech business magnate and philanthropist believes AI is the most important development since the Internet. Here, he explains where it could matter most.
The Breakthrough Energy Catalyst is hoping to reduce the cost of sustainable fuel through innovation in the fields of energy storage,green carbon, etc.
在困难时期——2020年毫无疑问可以称得上是困难时期——我们当中喜欢阅读的人可能会求助于各种不同的书籍。今年,我有时会深入研究一个棘手的话题,例如今年“黑人的命也是命”(Black Lives Matter)抗议活动背后的不公正现象。有时我会换一个节奏,在一天结束的时候做一些比较轻松的事情。因此,我读了不同种类的书,其中不乏非常优秀的书籍。在2020年即将结束之际,我想推...
Bill Gates shares 5 books recommendations to help finish 2020 on a more positive note.
Microsoft founder and philanthropist, Bill Gates discusses the barriers to Alzheimer's research and explains how his Alzheimer’s Disease Data Initiative is changing that.
Addressing CO2 produced from travel is vital to ensure the sustainability of the planet, whilst still ensuring economic benefits associated with travel, writes Bill Gates.
Malaria kills a child every other minute of every day. Whilst the world is focussing on COVID-19, we can't forget about other deadly diseases that are still prevalent.
COVID-19 has had a significant impact around the world, but climate change could be even worse, argues Bill Gates. There are lessons we could learn.
对于今年的毕业班来说,新冠病毒的爆发,意味他们期待已久的毕业典礼只能因故取消。 不过,毕业不只是走上舞台领取学位证书,它也标志着人生下一阶段的开始——即使在当前这一困难时期,毕业也是值得庆祝的。 梅琳达和我有幸得到《华尔街日报》邀请,在此分享我们对于这一转变的想法:
这些天我的大部分对话和会议都与新冠疫情有关,以及我们该如何遏制疾病的蔓延。 但是人们也经常问起我正在阅读和观看的内容,人们或许是想了解有关这场疾病大流行的更多信息,也有可能是在寻找消磨时间的方法。 我总是乐于谈论这些精彩的书籍和电视节目(与此同时,我也愿意听听别人在看些什么,因为我通常会到处寻求建议)