Companies that put employees first perform better
Business is waking up to the fact that the culture of quarterly-earnings reports and shareholder short-termism is toxic.
As Research Director to CECP’s Strategic Investor Initiative, Brian develops leading research to accelerate the development and impact of long-term plans as a key element in corporate-shareholder communications. Through proprietary research, analysis of the presentations at CEO-Investor Forums and structured collaborations with supporting organizations, he helps develop decision-relevant, user-friendly tools for our investor and corporate stakeholders.
Business is waking up to the fact that the culture of quarterly-earnings reports and shareholder short-termism is toxic.
Successful corporations endure for decades, yet tend to communicate in quarters. There are the questions that can close the gap.
By removing the longest standing barrier to responsible investment, we will unlock trillions of investment dollars to positively contribute to long-term sustainable value creation and res...