Carla Gomez

Global Shaper, Quito Hub, UNDP Ecuador

Passionate, curious and self-critical.

Carla has 5 years of experience in design and implementation of economic development projects. She was head of the Social Entrepreneur Unit from the local economic agency of Quito, where she managed a yearly budget of over $350.000 per year and helped to strength 2800 actors in the Popular and Solidarity Economy: artisans, associations and small businesses.

At present, she is the officer in charge of innovation processes in the area of inclusive economic development at UNDP and responsible for the implementation of the National Economic Recovery Program "En Marcha" in the context of the earthquake of April 16, 2016 in Ecuador which gave technical support to 600 affected businesses.

She has a MBA in project management and holds a BA in Finance. She is alumni of Global Competitiveness Leadership Program from Georgetown University and an active member of Global Shapers Quito Hub.