Cathy Chen

Global Shaper, Ottawa Hub

Graduate, Columbia University. As a Senior Policy Adviser in the Government of Canada, collaborates with 23 countries and the European Union, as well as hundreds of scientists around the world, to accelerate clean energy innovation through a multilateral initiative called Mission Innovation. Develops and implements global calls to action in eight technology areas where member countries believe increased international attention would make a significant impact in the fight against climate change. Expertise in climate change, energy, and sustainability traverses the sub-national, national and international levels. Helped design sustainability programmes for the New York City Mayor’s Office and represented the International Renewable Energy Agency at United Nations headquarters. Has developed a multifaceted understanding of how the worlds of technology, finance, and policy intertwine. Aims to apply this knowledge to cultivating the next generation of climate leaders and entrepreneurs. Global Shaper, Ottawa Hub, World Economic Forum. Climate Reality Leader. Mentors youth and delivers public talks on climate and energy-related issues.