The world's top two universities are now in the UK not the US
The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge have taken the top spots in the 2018 Times Higher Education World University Rankings for the first time.
Chris Parr is digital and communities editor for the weekly magazine Times Higher Education.
The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge have taken the top spots in the 2018 Times Higher Education World University Rankings for the first time.
Chinese institutions are rising up the rankings to give old favourites such as Harvard and Oxford a run for their money.
Saudi Arabian institutions come out on top in a new index of Middle Eastern universities.
Las universidades más ilustres del mundo han sido las mismas durante décadas. Incluso siglos. ¿Qué posibilidad tienen, entonces, otras universidades de superar a este grupo ilustre? ¿Exi...
Look out, hallowed halls of Oxbridge and the Ivy League – 53 'international powerhouse' universities are coming up fast behind you.
Desde el punto de vista de la educación superior, Tailandia, Argentina, Chile, Turquía, Irán, Colombia y Serbia tienen el potencial de superar a las naciones del BRICS, Brasil, Rusia, Ind...
As populism gains ground and experts go out of fashion, how can universities overcome their elitist image and stay connected to the people?
建设一个广泛的、强大的、受尊敬的高等教育系统将会推动一个国家的经济增长。 这句话不是我一个人的说法。伦敦经济学院的一项针对78个国家的将近15000所大学的研究分析发现,一个区域内的大学数量的翻倍将会促使这个地区的人均GDP在5年内上涨4.7%。
From Turkey to Thailand, some countries punch above their weight when it comes to university access and research. And where education takes root, economic growth soon follows, says Chris ...
For the first time ever, a university from outside the United States has topped the Times Educational Supplement's annual ranking.
Asia's universities are fast catching up with their Western counterparts, as these latest rankings show.