Nuevos estándares del NIST: por qué la criptografía cuántica podría haber alcanzado su madurez
Los nuevos estándares de criptografía poscuántica (PQC) del NIST son un paso importante en la transición hacia una economía cuántica segura.
Managing Director at Deloitte.
Los nuevos estándares de criptografía poscuántica (PQC) del NIST son un paso importante en la transición hacia una economía cuántica segura.
The new NIST post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standards are an important stepping stone on the transition to a quantum-secure economy
With awareness of the cybersecurity threat posed by quantum computers rising, businesses must take steps to ensure that they are quantum ready
Many businesses indicate that they are waiting for ‘the right moment’ to kickstart the transition to secure their systems against the quantum threat.
Quantum computing could upend assumptions about blockchain's security — posing serious risks to billions of dollars of cryptocurrencies that rely on it.
Quantum computing will soon become the technology of the present but the potential security impacts are not yet understood by either citizens, organizations, or decision-makers.
Improved forms and standards for establishing digital identity will shore up trust between service providers, ID services and users that is the foundation of online life