David Hoyle

Associate Director, ProForest

David Hoyle, is an Associate Director at ProForest. David is based in Proforest’s international office in Oxford, UK. David is a conservation and natural resources management specialist and leads on Proforest’s work on High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments, High Carbon Stock (HCS) studies, certification audits and other aspects of sustainable and responsible production, largely in the forestry and agro-industry sectors.
He is a social scientist by training with a bachelor’s degree in Human Geography (Reading) and a master’s in Natural Resource Management (Edinburgh).
David has worked in Africa on natural resource management issues for the past 15+ years, for World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), predominantly in Central Africa and East Africa.
Prior to joining Proforest in 2013 he was Director of Conservation at WWF Cameroon where he managed a series of protected area, wildlife law enforcement and community based conservation projects, as well as policy engagement around forestry, agro-industry, mining, REDD+ and indigenous people.