Renforcer ses moyens de défense contre le prochain ralentissement économique
L’économie mondiale doit relever plusieurs défis complexes qui découlent des mutations technologiques.
David Lipton is the First Deputy Managing Director at the International Monetary Fund. Before coming to the IMF, he was Special Assistant to the President, and served as Senior Director for International Economic Affairs at the National Economic Council and National Security Council at the White House. Previously, Lipton was a Managing Director at Citi, where he was Head of Global Country Risk Management. In that capacity, he chaired Citi’s Country Risk Committee, worked for the Senior Risk Officer, and advised senior management on global risk issues. Prior to joining Citi in May 2005, he spent five years at Moore Capital Management, a global hedge fund and, before that, a year at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Lipton served in the Clinton administration at the Treasury Department from 1993 to 1998. As Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs — and before that as Assistant Secretary – Lipton helped lead the Treasury’s response to the financial crisis in Asia and the effort to modernize the international financial architecture. Before joining the Clinton administration, Lipton was a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center of Scholars.
L’économie mondiale doit relever plusieurs défis complexes qui découlent des mutations technologiques.
The last global crash reduced the means available to governments to limit the fallout from economic downturn. Which is why international planning remains vital.
Un estudio de Luis Zingales y varias personas expertas determina que cuando hay confianza en las políticas, las instituciones y los sistemas, y ésta es recíproca, las economías pueden log...
Trust has been eroded across the globe. This is what it means for global institutions.
Ha llegado la hora de entablar un diálogo serio y de buscar la renovación del espíritu de cooperación global.
David Lipton, Primer Subdirector Gerente del FMI, analiza las diferentes reformas que podrían impulsar el crecimiento en las economías de todo el mundo.
David Lipton, First Deputy Managing Director at the IMF, looks at the different reforms that could drive growth in economies around the world.
David Lipton, First Deputy Managing Director at the IMF, discusses the future of globalization in the wake of the UK's referendum.
Can we renew a spirit of internationalism, now that we live in a world where no single country can be the guardian of globalization?
David Lipton, first deputy managing director of the IMF, argues that water prices need reform.