Diogo Machado

Research Assistant, Bruegel

Diogo Machado is a Portuguese citizen and works at Bruegel as a Research Assistant in the area of Economics of Innovation and Competition Policy. He holds an undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of Lisbon, a master from the New University of Lisbon where he specialized in Development Economics and a master from the Université Catholique de Louvain where he focused on Industrial Organization of firms’ strategies. In his master thesis Diogo used instrumental variables to estimate the effect of return migration on entrepreneurship.

During his studies he worked as a researcher in a project at Nova Sbe exploring the effects of the arts and culture in the economy, financed by the Portuguese secretary of state for the arts. Besides, he also worked as a student research assistant at ISEG, where he studied the economic effects of beliefs and values of the Portuguese population.

He was a classical ballet dancer and competitive debater, and besides Economics of Innovation and Competition Policy his research interests include Development Economics and the application of Randomized Control Trials in Economics.

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