This is the best place in the world to run a business
The World Bank 2017 Doing Business report looks at the economies where running a business is easiest.
Emma Luxton is a writer at Formative Content. Recoded to Forum Agenda on 29/05/2024.
The World Bank 2017 Doing Business report looks at the economies where running a business is easiest.
Lesbians earn on average 9% more than heterosexual women.
Scientists have, for the first time, captured images of the very edge of the sun.
On average families in the OECD spend around 12% of their income on childcare. But there are dramatic variations.
Según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades, los latinos en Estados Unidos viven un promedio de tres años más que los caucásicos, con una esperanza de vida de 82 con...
Hay más de 65 millones de personas desplazadas de sus hogares, una cifra récord desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Esta cifra supone el 0,8% de la población mundial, o dicho de otra manera,...
Los mileniales serán la primera generación que gana menos que sus padres. Sin embargo, no todas son malas noticias: un nuevo informe dice que es posible mejorar los ingresos de las personas.
Around 65 million people were displaced from their homes at the end of 2015.
Between 2005 and 2014, up to 70% of households in advanced economies saw their real incomes flatten or fall.
中国与美国的关系?这个关系向来错综复杂。随着唐纳德·特朗普的成功当选,两个经济上的超级大国间的关系更是如此。 今年年初,皮尤研究中心对中国人关于美国、全球化和中国在全球实务上扮演的日益重要的角色的态度进行了探究,并且得到了有趣的结果。 调查发现,75%的受访者认为比起十年前,中国在全世界发挥了更重要的作用。
Research into Chinese attitudes towards the US, globalization and China's increasing role in global affairs has produced interesting results.
This is what the gender wage gap looks like across industries. Check out the statistics of the gender pay gap by industry in these graphs.
Seventy-nine countries feature in the Times Higher Education ranking, But they are far from evenly spread.
Gender bias in performance reviews impacts womens' careers. Here's how the gender disparity in receiving feedback is hindering women's career growth.
Durante el último medio siglo, China se ha mantenido en el primer lugar, pero se espera que sea superado en el año 2020.