How technology can help us achieve universal healthcare
No government, NGO or company alone can solve the challenges that stand in the way of achieving universal health coverage by 2030. To do so, we must embrace the power of technology and di...
Henk Siebren de Jong was appointed Chief of International Markets in April 2017 with responsibility for the results of all Philips activities (with the exception of North America and Greater China). He is also a member of the Board of Philips Capital N.V. Since joining Philips in 1990, his career has spanned a range of leadership roles in Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas. Prior to his current role, he was Market Leader in Latin America. Henk is strongly committed to helping improve access to affordable and inclusive care for everyone around the world and passionate about the power of partnerships and continuous improvement (Lean). He is teaching digital transformation management at ISE Business School in São Paulo and IESE Business School in Barcelona.
No government, NGO or company alone can solve the challenges that stand in the way of achieving universal health coverage by 2030. To do so, we must embrace the power of technology and di...