Co-chair of Friends of Ocean Action. Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Environment and Climate of Sweden
A lack of gender diversity is stifling the innovation, productivity and solutions women can offer for creating sustainable ocean livelihoods - and that has to change. It's time to highl...
La surpêche et le changement climatique menacent une source de nourriture d’importance vitale pour plus d’un milliard de personnes.
Overfishing and climate change are the driving forces behind the deteriorating health of the ocean, the world’s largest ecosystem and the source of climate regulation for our entire plane...
Ghana's Bamboo Bikes mean that women are now playing a major role in driving the transition toward sustainable economic growth and development.
Eliminar la desigualdad de género es lo correcto, para las mujeres y para el planeta, y es la mejor elección para la economía. No hay que perder esta oportunidad.
La financiación “básica”, como se la conoce, permite que tanto la ONU como las organizaciones no gubernamentales reaccionen con mayor rapidez a las emergencias y planifiquen de manera más...
In Sweden, pricing carbon through CO2 taxation has been the main policy instrument to drive fossil fuel consumption down – and it has done so significantly over the last 20 years.