Why carbon offsetting doesn't cut it
Jennifer Morgan of Greenpeace International says net-zero pledges that rely on offsets cannot replace needed carbon reductions and fossil fuel phase-outs.
State Secretary and Special Envoy for International Climate Action at the Foreign Office of Germany
Jennifer Morgan of Greenpeace International says net-zero pledges that rely on offsets cannot replace needed carbon reductions and fossil fuel phase-outs.
Jennifer Morgan of Greenpeace International shares why building a better world is within our reach, but will require more than the simple repair of current systems.
Notre réponse à la pandémie de coronavirus doit être une réponse qui s'éloigne de l'obsession du PIB et qui crée un monde plus vert et plus juste.
Nuestra respuesta a la pandemia de coronavirus debe ser una que se aleje de la obsesión por el PIB y cree un mundo más verde y más justo.
Our response to the coronavirus pandemic must be one that moves away from the obsession with GDP and creates a greener, fairer world.
By continuing to finance fossil fuels, banks are hastening a financial as well as ecological catastrophe. It's like the sub-prime mortgage crisis - only this time, there can be no bail-out