Comment la technologie peut transformer le leadership - pour le bien des employés
Jusqu'ici,les avancées technologiques n’avaient eu qu’un effet limité sur nos vies professionnelles. Ce n'est plus le cas.
Master's degrees in History, University of Amsterdam and Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. More than 25 years of consulting experience in industries including consumer products and retail. Since 1989, with A.T. Kearney; 1997, Partner; 2009, Head, Europe, Middle East, and Africa region; 2013, Managing Partner and Chairman of the Board; former Member of the Board of Directors; European leader, consumer industries and retail practice; unit leader, operations in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Author of numerous articles on strategic business issues. Co-Author: Rebuilding the Corporate Genome (2002); The Future of Strategy (2015).
Jusqu'ici,les avancées technologiques n’avaient eu qu’un effet limité sur nos vies professionnelles. Ce n'est plus le cas.
La tecnología puede liberar a los líderes del trabajo diario, y permitirles enfocarse en la transformación estratégica y el bienestar del personal.
Technology can liberate leaders from the day-to-day tasks of running an organization, leaving them to focus on strategic transformation and staff wellbeing.
What if leaders knew as much about their organisations as Google knows about them?
There are 25 leading countries, concentrated in Europe, North America and East Asia.
For Africa, the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the trend of “islandization” both offer opportunities for growth.
Hoy las tecnologías disruptivas están dictando nuestro futuro, a medida que las innovaciones difuminan cada vez más los límites entre los ámbitos físico, digital y biológico.
What can we learn from the changes industrial revolutions made to the nature of work?
Este tsunami de cambio tecnológico claramente desafía la forma en la que funcionamos como sociedad. La magnitud y el ritmo del cambio son tales que comienza a cambiar profundamente la for...
Mastering new technologies at the same time as creating new jobs will be a critical skill for any economy with manufacturing ambitions. So it is for India.
Africa must develop a strong value-added manufacturing base, says Johan Aurik.