Market capitalism should benefit the many, not just the few. Can 2017 be the year we finally make it happen?
Markets are not delivering inclusive growth in the industrialized economies. These are the reforms we need to make it happen.
Until 2017 General Secretary Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD, Paris and Chief Economist, International Trade Union Confederation, Brussels. Currently Academic Visitor St Peter's College, University of Oxford and Visiting Fellow University of Greenwich. Formerly: Economist, Trades Union Congress, London; positions with International Federation of Commercial, Clerical and Technical Employees, Geneva; Research Officer, European Trade Union Institute, Brussels. Since 2012. Formerly, not-for-profit board positions included the Global Reporting Initiative, IDDRI, France and the Helsinki Group. Member: Comite Medicis, Amundi Group; Council of Ruskin College, Oxford. Member, Global Agenda Council on the Education, Gender and Jobs, World Economic Forum.
Markets are not delivering inclusive growth in the industrialized economies. These are the reforms we need to make it happen.
世界经济论坛创始人克劳斯·施瓦布在《第四次工业革命》一书中曾提出技术变革、就业岗位的创造、收入不平等和教育是相互关联。四十年前,诺贝尔经济科学奖的获得者简·丁伯根就把这种关系描述为一场国家在教育方面增加投资的能力与技术变革速度之间的比赛。时至今日,我们正在经历的变革的浪潮与以前仍没有什么不同。 变革会给国家带来结构性失业和收入不平等加剧等情况,甚至是在全球的竞争环境中打...
If we’re to survive workplace disruption, it won’t be enough to invest in skills and education, we need to make sure employers are putting those skills to good use, writes John Evans of t...