Europe needs a global strategy
The increasingly sharp rivalry between the United States and China could have negative economic and other consequences for Europe.
Joschka Fischer was German Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor from 1998-2005, a term marked by Germany\'s strong support for NATO’s intervention in Kosovo in 1999, followed by its opposition to the war in Iraq. Fischer entered electoral politics after participating in the anti-establishment protests of the 1960’s and 1970’s, and played a key role in founding Germany\'s Green Party, which he led for almost two decades.
The increasingly sharp rivalry between the United States and China could have negative economic and other consequences for Europe.
Que haya inestabilidad en Estados Unidos es motivo de alarma en todo el mundo. Si Estados Unidos ya no es un garante confiable de paz y estabilidad mundial, ningún país lo será. Surgirá u...
La canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, no tiene fama de ser una oradora particularmente electrizante; se dice más bien que su hablar sosegado tiene el poder de dormir a los oyentes. Pero ha...
El 7 de mayo, Francia decidirá no sólo su propio destino, sino también el de la UE. Los europeos deberían regocijarse -pero luego deben ponerse a trabajar.
Joschka Fischer explores the future of European integration.
Joschka Fischer, German Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor from 1998-2005, suggests that the 'West' as we know it could be coming to an end.
Las mayores amenazas al comercio legal de especies silvestres son la caza furtiva, el contrabando, la concesión indebida de permisos de comercio y el maltrato a los animales, y deben ser ...
Joschka Fischer says 2016 has been an annus horribilis for Europe, and argues leaders need to act quickly.
Former German Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor Joschka Fischer looks at the future of Europe, from economic to political crises and solutions.
Joschka Fischer outlines what's at stake in the EU referendum.