Why every investor should embrace Responsible AI
Responsible AI isn't just the right thing to do. For board members, it is a business imperative, and for investors, it should be a pre-condition. Here's why.
Judy is the head of the San Francisco office as well as responsible for Strategy Execution & Relationship Management, working closely with the One Fund Strategy Group and across all departments to support the execution of priority initiatives. Prior to joining CPP Investments she was a partner at McKinsey & Company. Judy holds a Masters in Public Policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School and a BA in Economics from University of California, Berkeley.
Responsible AI isn't just the right thing to do. For board members, it is a business imperative, and for investors, it should be a pre-condition. Here's why.
Los principales inversores ya utilizan IA generativa para buscar oportunidades y gestionar activos, pero también priorizan el uso responsable de la tecnología.
Leading investors are already using genAI to source opportunities and manage assets – but also prioritize responsible use of the technology