Food and Water
This map shows the world's fishing footprint
Using machine learning and satellite imagery, researchers have created a map showing the world's fishing activity in almost real-time.
Using machine learning and satellite imagery, researchers have created a map showing the world's fishing activity in almost real-time.
运动的好处远不止是“锻炼身体”,它能够帮助你降低疾病风险,提升睡眠质量,改善情绪状况——但它能对我们的思维和大脑有所提升吗? 根据最新的研究结果,答案是肯定的。 最近一项研究表明,在老鼠运动的时候,其脑部与视觉信息处理相关的神经元激活率大大提升。心理学家们想知道人脑是否也会如此。 为了找出问题的答案,心理学家们结合“行为测量”和“神经成像”技术,设计了一个实验来探索运...
A new study found that low-intensity exercise boosted activation in the visual cortex, the part of the cerebral cortex that plays an important role in processing visual information.
Artificially reintroducing species into their old ecosystems may have adverse effects that expand further than their own extinction.
Scientists have used a single atom to capture high-resolution images of nanoscale material.