AI-powered automation will have an ethnic bias
Automation is going to bring major changes to our workplaces, including widespread job losses - and research shows that some ethnic groups will be hit harder by this than others. Here's why
Automation is going to bring major changes to our workplaces, including widespread job losses - and research shows that some ethnic groups will be hit harder by this than others. Here's why
Even in countries with a powerful home language, the weight of English can be strong. Is this good for the world?
La compétition entre les universités a donné lieu à la création de classements visant à déterminer les plus compétitives sur le plan international. Le nombre d’établissements classés au n...
Los responsables políticos tendrán que asegurar que la educación terciaria de alta calidad sea accesible para todos, no solo para la élite. La educación superior inclusiva podría cerrar l...
What matters to the average resident of a country is not whether it has schools like Stanford or Oxford, but rather the quality of the universities their children are likely to attend.
Following the biggest influx of migrants since World War II, Europe is facing a big challenge integrating new arrivals.
Aunque el inglés es actualmente el idioma dominante, ¿podría el mandarín (o algún otro idioma) desafiar algún día su supremacía? Esto nos lleva a una pregunta interesante: ¿qué idiomas se...
If an alien were to land on Earth, which language would enable it to most fully engage with humans?