Kathleen Sherwin is the Chief Strategy and Engagement Officer at Plan International, a global organization that advances children's rights and equality for girls. She joined Plan in January 2023 as the first person to hold this position, with the mandate to increase Plan's impact, profile, and sustainability through strategic and collaborative partnerships, communications, and advocacy.
With over 20 years of experience in the advocacy community, Kathleen brings a wealth of expertise and leadership to Plan. She oversees 14 departments and 125+ staff across the world, and serves as the primary external representative and spokesperson for the organization. She is also a board member of Women Deliver, a co-chair of the Adolescent Girls Investment Plan, an advisor to the World Economic Forum's Women's Health Initiative, and an International Gender Champion. Kathleen holds an M.B.A. from NYU Stern and a certificate from Harvard Law School's Program on Negotiation for Senior Executives. She is passionate about advancing gender equality, women's health, and girls' empowerment.
Los informes de Plan International revelan que las niñas no están experimentando los avances en materia de igualdad de género que se les ha prometido. ¿Qué podemos hacer para cambiar eso?
Reports by Plan International reveal that girls aren’t experiencing the progress on gender equality they’ve been promised. What can be done to change things?
The pandemic has negatively impacted many women and girls around the world, but collaborative programmes such as those in Bogotá, can help them thrive once more.
A new survey shows strong worldwide public support for the idea that private companies should take action to close the widening gender gap.