8 things we learned on trade this week in Davos
Global trade is evolving: tariffs, re-globalization, TradeTech, green growth, new alliances, supply chains and sustainable futures are key to the trade horizon.
Kimberley Botwright is the Head of Sustainable Trade at the World Economic Forum. Previously, she has worked at the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD,) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Kimberley holds an M.A. in European Economics and Policy from l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) and a B.A. from the University of Oxford. She is fluent in English and French, and is a citizen of the UK and Switzerland.
Global trade is evolving: tariffs, re-globalization, TradeTech, green growth, new alliances, supply chains and sustainable futures are key to the trade horizon.
Indonesia podría lograr un crecimiento sostenible centrándose en actividades para descarbonizar sus exportaciones y ser parte de las cadenas de valor bajas en carbono.
Indonesia could work towards achieving sustainable growth by targeting activities that decarbonize exports and build up a role in low-carbon value chains.
La creciente demanda de materias primas esenciales para las energías limpias ofrece oportunidades de desarrollo con los acuerdos comerciales adecuados. Varios líderes reflexionan.
Soaring demand for critical raw materials in clean energy presents development opportunities with the right trade deals. Several leaders reflect.
Una nueva directiva de la UE obligará a las empresas europeas a garantizar que sus cadenas de suministro cumplen normas ambientales y de derechos humanos.
A new EU directive will oblige firms in Europe to ensure their supply chains meet environmental and human rights standards – and take action if they do not.
The WTO has its challenges, but in a world of fragmenting regulatory regimes, it is our best bet for building a global green economy. Here are 3 reasons why.
Foreign direct investment (FDI) aligned with climate goals supports developing countries in their climate adaptation and mitigation efforts.
As efforts to slow climate change grow stronger, so do the risks between emissions mitigation and global trade. Four scenarios showcase what could happen and how to respond.
International trade news: WTO predicts slower global trade growth in 2023; UK strikes biggest trade deal since Brexit; EU plans restrictions on Ukrainian grain imports.
The United States and the European Union are implementing their own green subsidies to boost investments in renewable technologies. Read for more details.
According to the World Trade Organization trade growth is set to slow sharply in 2023. How can we use technology to improve trade in goods and services?
この月刊ラウンドアップでは、世界貿易に関する最新のニュースや最新情報をお届けします。 トップストーリー:世界の物品貿易の成長率鈍化の見込み、グリーンテクノロジー補助措置をめぐる米・EU間の緊張、WTOがグリーン貿易を支持、オーストラリアが自由貿易協定を可決。