For a strong economic recovery, invest in financial resilience
To understand why and what can be done to increase financial resilience, it’s worth considering what we mean by “unexpected” or “emergency” expenses.
Leora Klapper is a lead economist at the World Bank.
To understand why and what can be done to increase financial resilience, it’s worth considering what we mean by “unexpected” or “emergency” expenses.
Global Findex shows account ownership has grown across the world - three out of four adults today have a financial account, which helps them manage money.
Safe and formal ways to save and savings-promoting policies aimed at women and low-income people can help build financial resilience to deal with a sudden loss of income or unexpected exp...
The pandemic proves that trust in digital financial digital services is crucial - and often absent. Here's how to use this moment to start building it up.
The COVID-19 recovery is the perfect time to improve access to financial services for underserved women across the world. Here are two places to start.
Sustainable development shouldn't just help the poor into prosperity - it should prevent people becoming poor in the first place. Mobile money technology can play a big role in building f...
The world's 800 million extremely poor people manage highly complicated budgets on very tight margins. An economist presents a surprisingly simple solution.
The push for sustainability is good for workers and for the environment. However, many small and medium enterprises do not have the money needed to adapt.
There's a good reason why more than 90% of adults in Mongolia and Iran have a bank account: without one you can't get money from the government.
Almost half of adults in emerging economies still lack basic financial services. Here are five ways to help more people benefit from digital finance.
Today, a mobile phone can be used by women in Hyderabad to pay their gas bill, by young people in Hanoi to quickly send money to their parents living in a rural village, and by farmers in...
For women in developing nations, mobile phones can lead to independence, employment and access to public services.
In some countries, progress with women's economic participation has actually reversed. Could digital technologies be the solution we're looking for?
Financial inclusion has a major impact on happiness, shows a new study by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.