Lin Yang is a Young Global Leader with the World Economic Forum, President of the Innovation Ideas Institute and Founder of The INNOVATORS,
Previously she worked for think tanks and as a TV News anchor on US-China policies.
Les risques inhérents au développement des relations de ces pays représentent des défis pour les décideurs.
En el pasado, los líderes de EE.UU. y China se han comprometido constructivamente. Los líderes de hoy deben ahora dejar atrás su guerra de palabras y hacer lo mismo, para beneficio mutuo.
In the past, leaders of the US and China have engaged constructively. Today's leaders must now move past their war of words and do the same - to mutual benefit.
Voilà à quoi ressemblera l'avenir – et il sera là plus tôt que vous ne le croyez
Driverless cars, smart homes and genetically engineered pets. Here's how tech is about to change your daily life.