The World Economic Forum, Australian Genomics and Genomics4RD have developed a governance model to drive innovation and mitigate risks of data sharing.
En donnant la priorité à la prévention de la COVID-19, nous avons involontairement laissé derrière nous des personnes atteintes de cancer, de maladies rares et d'autres affections aiguës ...
Al dar prioridad a la prevención de COVID-19, hemos dejado atrás involuntariamente a las personas que viven con cáncer, enfermedades raras y otras condiciones agudas y crónicas.
By prioritizing preventing COVID-19, we have unintentionally left behind people living with cancer, rare diseases and other acute and chronic conditions.
Our healthcare system needs to weigh the long-term costs of leaving behind people with rare disease, and, specifically, evaluate the economic consequences.
En la mayoría de los sistemas sanitarios del mundo, cuando un paciente tiene una lesión en la rodilla, consulta a un ortopedista que se especializa en rodillas. Si tiene cáncer, va a un o...
Around 400 million people worldwide suffer from rare diseases - but there is a startling lack of specialists and specialised treatments available. It's time to change this paradigm, argue...