Is China softening its policy response to COVID-19?
Despite the official rhetoric that China will not change its zero-COVID policy stance, the government has been adjusting it at a regional level since 2021.
My research focuses on the socio-economic causes of population aging and below-replacement fertility and what public policy measures and technological innovations can be used to tackle the challenges posed by the two trends.
My research matters for three reasons. First, population aging, which are closely associated with below-replacement fertility, will greatly affect macroeconomic conditions such as the structure of consumption and labor supply, so policymakers and community leaders should be prepared to deal with the structural changes brought about by population aging. Secondly, the extent of population aging is uneven among nations. If the size of population and the quality of labor force is of strategical importance in geopolitical competition, then the uneven trends of population aging will reshape the power distribution among nations and have great implications for the future of global governance. Finally, dealing with the challenge of below-replacement fertility will eventually require the improvement of the treatment of women, which will contribute to gender equality in general.
Despite the official rhetoric that China will not change its zero-COVID policy stance, the government has been adjusting it at a regional level since 2021.
中国第七次全国人口普查表明,中国未来十年及以后可能存在劳动力缺口。事实上,根据我们的计算,中国的年度劳动力缺口约为 1180 万。
China has a demographic and education gap in its future workforce owing to its aging population, low immigration and relative lack of high-skilled workers.
在大流行期间,国家、保险公司和患者如何分担医疗费用,将会对个人福祉和社会福利产生深远影响。 2020年1月下旬,中国政府规定所有新冠患者的医疗费用全部由社会健康保险和公共财政支付。 这些安排,使得中国政府对新冠病毒医疗费的“支付承诺”,可以与世界上最慷慨的全民医疗保健体系相媲美。
During a pandemic, how medical costs are shared among the state, insurers and patients has a profound impact on individual wellbeing and welfare.