联合国负责人表示,经济发达国应该对化石燃料公司征收暴利税,并用这些钱帮助受气候危机影响的国家;联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯说,这些资金应该用于帮助在食品和能源价格上涨中挣扎生存的人们;他还批评了投资于石油和天然气公司的银行和其他金融机构;古特雷斯补充道,“必须使一半的气候资金” 用于帮助低收入国家适应日益恶化的气候冲击。
联合国负责人表示,经济发达国应该对化石燃料公司征收暴利税,并用这些钱帮助受气候危机影响的国家;联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯说,这些资金应该用于帮助在食品和能源价格上涨中挣扎生存的人们;他还批评了投资于石油和天然气公司的银行和其他金融机构;古特雷斯补充道,“必须使一半的气候资金” 用于帮助低收入国家适应日益恶化的气候冲击。
UN head António Guterres says rich countries should impose windfall taxes on fossil fuel firms and use the money to help nations harmed by climate change.
The U.N. Security Council has called for an immediate stop to violence in Afghanistan and for the establishment of a new government that includes women.
The U.N. Development Programme has suggested a temporary universal basic income could ease the pressures of the pandemic on the world's poorest people.
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the coronavirus pandemic has created a 'generational opportunity' to build a more equal, sustainable world.
The U.N. appeal aims to help 63 less economically developed countries, mainly in Latin America and Africa. Aid chief Mark Lowcock said coronavirus support has been 'grossly inadequate'.
Giants like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Microsoft will invest in this organization to stifle terrorist efforts, as well as monitoring extremist views that could evolve into violent acts.
At the United Nations this week, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has to contend with some daunting challenges - her debut before world leaders and the sleep schedule of her 3-mo...