What are frontier risks and how can we prepare for them?
"Frontier risks” are characterized by unknown likelihood and/or unknown impacts. Here are five ways leaders can prepare for frontier risks in the future.
BA in Economics and LLB (Hons) in Law, Auckland University; Rhodes Scholar, MPhil and DPhil, University of Oxford. Formerly: taught at Harvard University; Adviser to IMF Board, Commonwealth Heads of Government, UNDP. Founding Dean, Blavatnik School of Government. Founder and Director: Global Economic Governance Programme; Oxford-Princeton Global Leaders Fellowship Programme. Author: The Globalizers - the IMF, the World Bank and their Borrowers; The Politics of Global Regulation. Expertise: international cooperation and global economic institutions.
"Frontier risks” are characterized by unknown likelihood and/or unknown impacts. Here are five ways leaders can prepare for frontier risks in the future.
La pandemia de COVID-19 supone una amenaza sin precedentes para la salud pública y la economía mundial. Los países deben abandonar la retórica nacionalista y adoptar una cooperación inter...
La pandémie de COVID-19 représente une menace sans précédent pour la santé publique et l'économie mondiale. Les pays doivent abandonner la rhétorique nationaliste et s'engager dans une co...
The COVID-19 pandemic poses an unprecedented threat to public health and the global economy. Countries must abandon nationalist rhetoric, and embracing stronger international cooperation,...
With nothing certain for a Brexit deal and the deadline fast approaching, anything could happen - including a final vote. But what are the risks?
As political tensions ramp up, the world is more likely to reach an international system led by four powers, rather than a war between two, writes Ngaire Woods.
Si el Reino Unido logra aprovechar esta oportunidad, la UE, Estados Unidos y otras economías con sectores agrícolas altamente protegidos podrían seguir sus pasos.
Los líderes mundiales deben abandonar su cámara de resonancia y tomarse en serio las preocupaciones de la gente común.
Leaders around the world can no longer ignore demands for radical change, argues Ngaire Woods.
Professor Ngaire Woods looks at democratic shifts and changes, but argues that we don't live in world where post-truth politics is inevitable.
Ngaire Woods explores political shifts and the rise of populism.
Across the world, populists are attracting votes with their promises to protect ordinary people from the harsh realities of globalization. What went wrong?
Ngaire Woods looks at the global aid system – and the potential benefits of cash transfers.
Ngaire Woods says the G-20's failure to agree on coordinated action to boost growth may shift the world economy into a new phase of global economic governance.