An attack on inequality misses its target
In his book Davos Man, Peter Goodman investigates the key issue of economic inequality but has more interest in polemic than profound economic analysis.
MA, Columbia University; MS in Commercial Engineering, University of Leuven; language certificates from universities in Spain, Germany, France and Italy. Economist, entrepreneur, and freelance journalist, beyondbrics, the emerging markets hub of The Financial Times. Has published articles in Die Handelszeitung (Switzerland), The Philadelphia Inquirer (US), De Tijd and L'Echo (Belgium), and Het Financieele Dagblad (the Netherlands), among others.
In his book Davos Man, Peter Goodman investigates the key issue of economic inequality but has more interest in polemic than profound economic analysis.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the sum of the value of all goods and services produced in a country each year. Is it time to rethink it for a new era?
The world has seen an explosion of wealth, accompanied by an alarming increase in inequality and environmental damage, but a different way is possible.
With stakeholder capitalism, the interests of all stakeholders in the economy and society are taken on board and companies focus on the long-term impact.
Stakeholder capitalism: A form of capitalism in which companies seek long-term value creation accounting for the needs of all stakeholders and society.
Post-crisis winners will be governments that move quickly to attract foreign investors once economies reopen, rather than remain over-cautious.
"Sé que mucha gente todavía dice que la reacción en materia de salud pública que estamos viendo es exagerada, o que debemos volver al trabajo, pero en absoluto comparto esa opinión."
"Je sais que beaucoup de gens disent encore que la réaction de santé publique que nous observons est exagérée, ou que nous devons retourner au travail. Mais je ne suis pas du tout d'accord".
"I know a lot of people are still saying that the public health reaction we're seeing is exaggerated, or that we must go back to work. But I don't agree at all."
Le Forum économique mondial a lancé la plateforme d'action COVID pour catalyser le soutien du secteur privé à la réponse de santé publique mondiale à la COVID-19.
El Foro Económico Mundial ha puesto en marcha la Plataforma de Acción de COVID para catalizar el apoyo del sector privado a la respuesta mundial de salud pública a COVID-19.
The World Economic Forum has launched the COVID Action Platform to catalyse private-sector support for the global public health response to COVID-19.