This is the role central banks have to play in tackling climate change
Central banks need to consider the risk of fossil fuels becoming stranded assets, writes the Chief Economist of the World Bank’s Middle East and North Africa Region.
Rabah Arezki heads the commodities team in the IMF’s Research Department. Rabah has written on commodities, international macroeconomics, and development economics. He has led and participated in various IMF missions in Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. He is also a non-resident fellow at the Brookings Institution and at the University of Oxford.
Central banks need to consider the risk of fossil fuels becoming stranded assets, writes the Chief Economist of the World Bank’s Middle East and North Africa Region.
Following their win at the 2019 African Cup of Nations in Egypt, the Algerian soccer team has united a country whose development model has frustrated its young and educated workforce.
The debate on the middle-income trap has largely focused on East Asia and Pacific countries, but the countries of Middle East and North Africa have significantly lower growth, which drops...
Algeria’s economy is growing too slowly to provide enough jobs for a young, expanding, and increasingly restless population.
Los precios del petróleo se mantienen persistentemente bajos desde hace más de un año, pero el estímulo que muchos esperaban que tendrían sobre la economía mundial aún no se ha materializ...
En noviembre de 2014, la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEP) decidió mantener el nivel de producción pese a una aparente sobreabundancia de petróleo a nivel internacion...
Rabah Arezki explores how we can feed the world's growing population.
Global natural wealth has shifted from North to South over the past decades.
Rabah Arezki and Akito Matsumoto from the IMF look at the oil market.
La producción inesperadamente abundante de petróleo de esquisto, con 5 millones de barriles diarios, ha contribuido a la sobreoferta mundial.
Rabah Arezki looks at the oil market.
Rabah Arezki looks at oil prices and the global economy.