Is there a regional solution to vaccine inequity?
Regionally-based vaccine manufacturing networks can provide the scale and agility needed to combat vaccine inequity that germinated out of the pandemic.
Chief executive of CEPI
Regionally-based vaccine manufacturing networks can provide the scale and agility needed to combat vaccine inequity that germinated out of the pandemic.
The COVAX initiative brings together the public and private sector to ensure equitable access to a vaccine – 190 countries have pledged their support.
Les États devraient préparer le terrain pour une production rapide et un déploiement généralisé et équitable.
La Instalación de Acceso Global a las Vacunas COVID-19 (COVAX) se ha creado para fabricar y distribuir equitativamente al menos 2.000 millones de dosis de una vacuna para finales de 2021.
COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access (COVAX) Facility has been set up to fairly manufacture and distribute at least 2 billion doses of a vaccine by the end of 2021.
长期以来,全球化的利弊一直是各国政治家所辩论的热门话题。 全球化真的是推动经济增长,促进新思想新观念传播,改善数十亿人生活的有益之事吗? 或者说全球化的发展侵蚀了社区,同时造成了不平等鸿沟,是件有害之事?
Large-scale collaboration on new technologies will be the key to finding new ways to tackle epidemics
Africa must build its capacity to detect, respond to and contain infectious disease outbreaks, in order to prevent another catastrophe on the scale of Ebola.