Las dos pandemias
El economista Robert J. Shiller, de la Universidad de Yale, discute la idea de que COVID-19 ha provocado dos pandemias. Una pandemia de salud y una pandemia de aniquilación económica.
1967, BA, University of Michigan; 1968, SM and 1972, PhD, MIT. 1972-74, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota; 1974-75, Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, MIT and Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research, Research Center for Economics and Management Science, Cambridge; 1974-80, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania; 1980-81, Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, Harvard University and Visitor, National Bureau of Economic Research; 1981-82, Professor of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and Professor of Finance, Wharton School; 1981-82, Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, MIT; since 1982, Professor of Economics, Yale University; 1991, Co-Founder, Case Shiller Weiss, Cambridge, US; 1999, Co-Founder, MacroMarkets; 2016, President, American Economic Association. Former: Vice-President, American Economic Association; Member, Competitive Markets Advisory Council, Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Author: Irrational Exuberance, (2000); Finance and the Good Society (2012). Co-Author, Animal Spirits (2009), Phishing for Phools with George Akerlof (2015), Narrative Economics (2019).
El economista Robert J. Shiller, de la Universidad de Yale, discute la idea de que COVID-19 ha provocado dos pandemias. Una pandemia de salud y una pandemia de aniquilación económica.
L'économiste Robert J. Shiller, de l'université de Yale, évoque l'idée que COVID-19 a provoqué deux pandémies. Une pandémie sanitaire et une pandémie économique.
Economist Robert J. Shiller, from Yale University, discusses the idea that COVID-19 has brought about two pandemics. A health pandemic and a pandemic of economic aniexty.
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