Education: BA in Economics, Smith College; MPhil in International Economics, Graduate Institute Geneva; MPA, Harvard University. Current role: Managing Director at the World Economic Forum, heading the Centre for the New Economy and Society and the Global Communications Group. Co-Author: Future of Growth, Future of Jobs, Global Risks and Gender Gap. Author: Fifty Million Rising (2018). Awards: BBC 100 Women (2013 and 2014); Financial Times/McKinsey Bracken Bower Prize (2014); longlisted for FT/Mckinsey Business Book of the Year (2018). Interests: economics, future of work, education and skills, gender, income inequality and technology.
Repensar el crecimiento incluye dar prioridad a la sostenibilidad, la resiliencia y la inclusión y abandonar la mentalidad del crecimiento a cualquier precio.
Rethinking growth includes prioritizing sustainability, resilience and inclusivity and shifting from a "growth-at-all-costs" mindset.
En un mundo marcado por condiciones geopolíticas y geoeconómicas imprevisibles, debemos prender el motor del crecimiento construyendo un nuevo modelo económico para todos.
In a world marked by unpredictable geopolitics and geoeconomics, we need to restart the economic growth engine and build a new economic model for all.
The Future of Growth report provides a framework to measure how countries can factor in prosperity, equity, sustainability and resilience while securing economic growth.
The World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2024 looks at the main issues we face, from misinformation to the climate crisis and how to navigate them.
Los progresos hacia la paridad entre hombres y mujeres han experimentado reveses en los últimos años y el riesgo de que se produzcan nuevos retrocesos se está intensificando.
Progress towards gender parity has seen major setbacks in recent years and the risk of further regression is intensifying.
スキルファーストは、資格や職歴ではなく、スキルやコンピテンシーに焦点を当てたアプローチです。 このアプローチは、より包括的で多様な労働力を生み出し、生産性、経済成長、レジリエンスを向上させることができます。 世界経済フォーラムはPwCと共同で、最高経営責任者と政府がこれを実現するためのフレームワークを作成しました。
A skills-first approach can help build a more inclusive and diverse workforce and boost productivity, growth and resilience. A new framework supports this.