Why LGBTQ representation should be a priority for business and media
LGBTQ representation is reaching all-time highs but media and business have a major role to play in telling even more diverse stories about LGBTQ lives.
President and Chief Executive Officer of GLAAD, a visible LGBTQI organization and among the largest LGBTQI media advocacy organizations. Has run GLAAD since 2014 and expanded the organization’s mission by launching advocacy work beyond news and entertainment media to include advocacy efforts with global business, social media, video games, sports, and other drivers of culture. GLAAD’s model of social change is to work through these creators of culture to tell LGBTQI stories and distribute LGBTQI messages that accelerate LGBTQI acceptance. Seven years ago, launched the GLAAD Media Institute, which has taught tens of thousands of LGBTQI advocates around the world how to best lead advocacy campaigns in their own communities. The institute has also trained employees of businesses including P&G, Dow, Google, Netflix, Delta, Hilton, and more on LGBTQI terminology and issues. Commentator on LGBTQI issues who has appeared dozens of times on CNN, MSNBC, and across online and print outlets including the New York Times, Vanity Fair, the Guardian, and the Associated Press.