Meet the 2021 class of Young Global Leaders
Each year the World Economic Forum names its new Young Global Leaders - a group of remarkable people under 40 from different communities and industries.
Sarah Shakour leads social media and communications for the Global Shapers and Young Global Leaders Community. Before joining the Forum in 2018, Sarah worked at multi-national organizations and start-ups in the Bay Area, focusing on digital marketing efforts for customer growth and retention. She has an MBA from emlyon business school in France and a BSc in marketing and finance from Syracuse University in New York.
Each year the World Economic Forum names its new Young Global Leaders - a group of remarkable people under 40 from different communities and industries.
For International Women’s Month and International Women’s Day on 8 March, here are 6 women whose work overcoming challenges is motivating and encouraging.
The valuable lessons learnt from work on gender equality in the Nordic countries can be leveraged to help leapfrog progress on racial equality.
Humility, courage and cooperation - four members of the Forum of Young Global Leaders share key insights on leadership in a time of COVID-19.
Reparations, police reform, workplace diversity and allyship are all on the agenda if Black Lives Matter is going to keep up its momentum into 2021.
Young people around the world have been investing their time, expertise and lived experiences in improving mental health provision. Here are 7 examples.
At a summit last month, Young Global Leaders identified the systemic challenges facing the world today - and drew up solutions to them. Here's a rundown.
COVID-19 presents an opportunity to work together towards a fairer, greener future. Here's how the World Economic Forum's YGLs are driving the great reset.
La lutte contre le racisme systémique enraciné nécessite l'engagement actif des personnes blanches et des personnes de couleur non noires - voici par où commencer.
La lucha contra el racismo sistémico arraigado necesita el compromiso activo de los blancos y de las personas de color que no son negras.
Combating ingrained systemic racism needs active engagement from white people and non-black people of colour – here's where to start.
Des jeunes du monde entier développent de nouvelles technologies pour aider à lutter contre la COVID-19.
Los jóvenes de todo el mundo están desarrollando nuevas e innovadoras tecnologías para ayudar en la lucha contra COVID-19. Aquí hay cinco de ellas.
Young people around the world are developing new and innovative technologies to help in the fight against COVID-19. Here are five of them.