Las principales historias de tecnología de 2024
Desde avances en agrotecnología hasta avances en la lucha contra la brecha digital, estas son algunas de nuestras historias de lectura obligada en 2024.
Member of the Executive Committee and heading Network and Partnerships in the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution; prior to that, Head of Programming and Deputy Head of the Global Programming Group, responsible for our Annual Meetings in Davos and China and our expert communities; certified facilitator, public speaker, regular commentator on issues at the intersection of technology, society, and the economy; Professor of Practice at the University of Geneva and the Technical University of Munich, amongst others.
Desde avances en agrotecnología hasta avances en la lucha contra la brecha digital, estas son algunas de nuestras historias de lectura obligada en 2024.
From agritech advancements to progress on tackling the digital divide, here are some of our must-read Forum stories on technology from 2024.
Las noticias tecnológicas más destacadas: Demanda energética de los centros de datos europeos; Investigación de Google sobre computación cuántica; Un robot director de orquesta dirige un ...
Top tech stories: European data centre power demands; Quantum computing research from Google; Robot conductor leads concert in Germany, and more.
Top tech news: Meta and Snap unveil new augmented-reality glasses; SpaceX capsule docks to collect stranded astronauts; 3D printing used to build new hotel.
Top tech news: Drones piloted by AI could prevent wildfires; US state adopts electronics right to repair law, and more.
Top tech stories: Robot dentist performs first fully automated procedure; Delays for NASA astronauts to return home; Extracting drinking water from the air.
Top tech news: Europe returns to space with rocket launch; Electric-vehicle manufacturers open new plants; ITER nuclear fusion project faces launch delays.
Las 10 tecnologías emergentes más importantes de 2024 elegidas por el Foro van desde la captura microbiana de carbono hasta los sistemas de estaciones de plataformas a gran altitud. Esto ...
The Forum’s pick of the Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2024 range from microbial carbon capture to high altitude platform station systems. Here’s what you need to know.
Lea también: Nvidia supera a Apple y se convierte en la segunda empresa más valiosa; robotaxis de Amazon en EE. UU.; y los Pioneros Tecnológicos del Foro Económico Mundial.
Top tech news: Boeing and SpaceX achieve new milestones; Nvidia overtakes Apple to become second-most valuable company; Amazon to trial robotaxis in US.
Lo más destacado en tecnología: Las tormentas solares interrumpen las comunicaciones; Arabia Saudita pone en marcha el Centro para el Futuro del Espacio; China publica un proyecto de norm...
Top tech stories: Solar storms disrupt communications; Saudi Arabia launches Centre for Space Futures; China releases draft rules to regulate its lithium battery market.