How to unlock women’s potential in the digital economy
Digital entrepreneurship can be a powerful avenue for women’s inclusion in the digital economy with new business opportunities and efficiency gains.
Shamika Sirimanne is UNCTAD’s director of technology and logistics.
Digital entrepreneurship can be a powerful avenue for women’s inclusion in the digital economy with new business opportunities and efficiency gains.
Estamos viviendo el inicio de una nueva revolución tecnológica en torno a las tecnologías de la Industria 4.0, como la inteligencia artificial (IA), la robótica y el Internet de las cosas...
Industry 4.0 refers to “smart”, digitised and connected production systems designed to support production in real-time. The international community should come together to help countries ...
2015年の「ユネスコ・サイエンスレポート:2030年に向けて(UNESCO Science Report: Towards 2030)」によると、STEM(科学、技術、工学、数学)分野では、世界の学士号や修士号取得者の53%を今や女性が占めているにも関わらず、研究者の中で女性が占める割合はわずか30%。女性は男性に比べてはるかに高い割合で、この分野を離れてしまうのです。...
Designing a new world means we need a mixture of new policies and stories about women making waves in science, technology and innovation.
A global approach to assessing and regulating frontier technologies is needed – and the UN is perfectly placed to host the discussion.